Friday, September 15, 2006

The venerable AE86

People who know me well know I am a car nut. Always have been. I am not into the newer cars... they just don't excite me. What I am currently into is old school cars (not quite classic yet). Specifically, the car known as the AE86. On this continent, it is known as the Corolla GT-S/SR5, but elsewhere, it also bears the names Sprinter, Trueno, Levin, and probably other things I am probably unaware of.

My 1984 Corolla SR5

What do I do with this car besides take pretty pictures of it? Well, it is my racecar. My friends and I rent the local racetrack and duke it out. It's fun trying to keep up with cars with quadruple the horsepower... I do pretty good all things considered, but 109hp can be limiting. As for what kind of modifications I have... that list is too long to list, but I'll say that every mod has a performance theme. I'm not into the whole 'styling' thing and doing things just for looks. Factory style is what I prefer! I also don't have a stereo... weight savings is a must!


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